Thinking Through The Unimaginable: America After The Fall Of King Dollar

By Daniel R. Amerman, CFA

What are the practical economic and investment implications if the dollar loses its reserve status? As political leaders around the world pledge to begin de-dollarization, even as people such as Janet Yellen and Larry Summers talk about the potential loss of dollar hegemony and the global economy fragmenting - the possibility of one of the biggest economic changes of our lives is becoming quite real.

Below is a draft of my detailed presentation notes for the start of the second day of the upcoming May 13-14 workshop. For those of you who will be there, this introduction will set the stage for the rest of the "Solutions" day.

I hope that these notes will also provide significant value for those who will not be there. Some fundamental changes may be on the way, markets and investments would likely be dramatically impacted, and the time to start thinking through the many implications is before it happens.

Thinking Through The Unimaginable: America After The Fall Of King Dollar

(Please note that these notes are not the presentation itself, but are merely the framework for the presentation, with greater detail in the oral presentation as well as the frequent questions from and discussions with the group.)


The brochure for the May 13-14 workshop is linked below. There is still space available at this time.

Workshop Brochure